Category: Opinion
The Gooner Disposition – Portrait of an Arsenal Fan
“The Gooner Disposition – Portrait of an Arsenal Fan”
Exclusive: Chelski “Smurfista Campaign” Fail!
It was supposed to be a no-brainer…
When the Chelski PR Department was approached by club owner, Noman Avramobitch, to devise a campaign to show the “ruthlessness” of the Chelski squad – some bright spark must have thought: “What better way to achieve this than to depict them performing grievous bodily violation to harmless cartoon characters?”
And so, the doomed “Smurfista” campaign was born.
Philosophy for Gooners (Part 1)
What type of Gooner are you? Part One of what will probably be a one-part series. 😉
Koz Is The One
The latest in my “Get Behind Your Team” series. Laurent Koscielny is The One.
Enjoy. Share…
Exclusive: Lukas Podolski, Skunk Rider!
Guard of Honour? Pah!
Include me out.
I’d much rather see this.
Arséne Wenger – One Of Us
For those of you who doubt Wenger’s commitment and sincerity – or who view his Matchday sideline inactivity as passive indifference – I offer you this image, and a quote taken from an interview by Sportmail’s Chief Sports Writer, Martin Samuel, which appeared in The Daily Mail on August 6, 2009.
Exclusive! Wenger Replacement Revealed…
Arsenal Emergency Press Conference. March 31st, 2013. Easter Sunday…
Mikel Arteta: Captain Fanplastic
Inspired by Dave Seager from – here is the latest in the “Get Behind Your Team” series, accompanied by an explanation from Blogzilla himself. Enjoy!
Fools Rule: Fanning The Fire
Our motto says it all: Victory Through Harmony. Perhaps that’s the biggest lesson we have to learn? As Gunners. If we’re ever to start winning again…
Gunner Meltdown! No New Toys!
As you can see from the above, it seems highly likely that Arsenal will NOT be making any new signings this transfer window. Preferring, no doubt, to save their oodles of “available funds” for a big summer splurge.
I can’t say I’m surprised, really. Although – there is still tomorrow. If we get thrashed by Liverpool tonight, perhaps we’ll pick up a couple of unknown French teenagers before the window slams closed.
How do you feel about that?
By the way… If you like the Piechart – click on it and be whisked away to the Invinciblog Eye Candy page – where all the invinciblog images have assembled for your titillatory stimulation.
A quick note: feel free to do what you will with images posted on this site. However, should you choose to post or publish them, please ask permission first. Or, at the very least, credit!
Thanks. Enjoy!
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Gunner Meltdown: No New Toys! pie-chart. Best served chilled.Please R&RT&Enjoy!
— ínvìnciblog (@invinciblog) January 30, 2013