Category: Gunner’s Handbook

Interpreting Wenger

Posted on January 29th, by invinciblog in Fools Rule, General, Gunner's Handbook, Opinion, Transfer News. No Comments

Another day. Another news conference. Another opportunity for our poker-faced, fork-tongued, sweet-talking manager to perfect the dark art of opacity.

Invinciblog Exclusive! Adams Interview…

Posted on January 25th, by invinciblog in Fools Rule, General, Gunner's Handbook, Opinion. 5 comments

On May 11, 2001, Arsenal lost the FA Cup Final to Liverpool. 2-1, in Cardiff.

On the same day, in Santa Barbara, California, beloved author and Arsenal supporter Douglas Adams’ world did end. He died suddenly of a heart attack at the tender age of 49.

Let’s just say it was a bad day for Gooners and leave it at that.

The following is an imaginary interview with Douglas Adams. (DA) – conducted by yours truly: Batmandela (BM). Mr. Adams’ replies are culled, verbatim, from his numerous books, letters and scripts. It is an interview I would have loved to have conducted during Douglas Adams’ lifetime. But things don’t always work out the way we planned.

I have a feeling, though, that he’d have found this concept mildly amusing…

Scoring Goals & Landing Planes

Posted on January 22nd, by invinciblog in General, Gunner's Handbook, Opinion. No Comments

Gunner’s Handbook: Scoring Goals is not that different to landing planes. What Arsenal could learn from Air Traffic Controllers.

A Gunner’s Handbook: Surviving Arsenal

Posted on January 9th, by invinciblog in General, Gunner's Handbook, Opinion. 1 Comment

How to survive being an Arsenal fan in these trying times.